Get Marijuana in Berlin, Germany

Weed in Berlin

Find Weed in Berlin:

Where to get marijuana in Berlin. Every year, millions of people visit Berlin, Germany’s capital city, which has a rich historical culture and heritage. The city has a lot to offer in terms of nightlife, sightseeing, delectable cuisine, street art, and so on. It’s the perfect place to light up our favorite herb and take in the sights and sounds of the city. You may find an intriguing guide on cannabis laws and how to find marijuana here.

Cannabis Laws in Germany – Marijuana laws in Berlin

Is weed or marijuana legal in Berlin. Although the plant is still illegal in Germany, if you aren’t smoking and driving, the cops are more lenient. Consumption is legal, and as long as you don’t have more than 10 grams on you, you’ll be alright. Avoiding public places and smoking near the river or parks is the greatest method to prevent getting caught and getting into trouble.

How and Where to get marijuana in Berlin

It’s simple to get good marijuana in Berlin if you know someone, just like any other big metropolis. It won’t be difficult for first-time visitors to Berlin to obtain marijuana, but the quality and quantity will be doubtful. However Couchsurfing is a fun way to meet new people and quickly locate a herb. Besides, the Görlitzer Park should be your go, if you’re looking for a good place to get weed in Berlin. Dealers will approach you and offer you high-quality weed at an inflated price there. However, they are easy to bargain with, so expect a fantastic high without breaking the bank.

Prices of Weed in Berlin: 

Talking on the prices of marijuana in Berlin, the price are in line with major cities in Europe. It varies depending on who you know and where you go. A gram of weed costs roughly ten euros on average in Berlin. Expect to pay roughly 15 euros per gram if you want to smoke the highest-quality weed.
Despite the fact that marijuana is not legal in Berlin, it is very common in the city. Just don’t smoke in tourist areas where there are a lot of people and cops. Also, if you’re going to smoke outside, don’t bring more than 15 grams with you.

Kindly share your experience on how you managed to get weed in Berlin in the comment below.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ralph

    It was kinda hell before when I got here until I met this guy at the hotel who gave me this dude contact his weed were pretty cool like ones from Cali. I was forced to asked him about the weed after trying them, he is a very open minded person, he said he gets his stuffs from Amsterdam and Cali. He had other stuffs too that which I won’t mention here, you can reach him at ”

  2. Mattha

    Getting top quality weed, hash, pills and coke in Berlin is easy if you know the right people to deal with. We highly recommend our local vendor ( he has extensive knowledge of Berlin and can hook you up with the best quality of bud without any hassle. Just hit him up and place your order. He is very professional and keep things discreet. You won’t regret dealing with him. Email “”

  3. Samuel

    OMG I remember Rossko, he was also our hook up in Berlin. Calm dude and doesnt talk much . But yeah his weed is the best. He really made our stay in Berlin worthwhile . He is the best if you are looking for a great time in Berlin, you can reach him at ** **. I will recommend him to you anytime and day. You can thank me later.

  4. Ben

    The easiest and the best way to get in touch with Rossko is through WhatsApp. It’s not proper for me to share his number here. But once you email him, you can request for a speedy way of communication with him. It will actually help to speed up the process of you buying weed in Berlin, Germany.

  5. Horia

    Hey guys, the best way to get WEED and party drugs in Berlin is to ask Rossko. He has the best quality and is discreet and reliable . He gets the best quality MARYJANE and meds for my friends and I. You can reach him at ” ” and he will get you the best quality stuffs in Berlin. Thanks to him, my stay here in Berlin has been very special.


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